I’ve been working on some new astrophotography processing software (provisionally called “Hera”), and here is a video of me using it to process the Rosette Nebula.
There’s still a long way to go developing the software. I am now working on adding in masking tools. But I’d love to know what you think in the meantime.
At the moment it’s just for me and my processing, but let me know if it’s of interest to you as I may make it publicly available in the future.
Click here to read other Hera updates. Click here to view or comment directly on Youtube.
Hi Christopher, I stumbled across your Shark nebula tutorial using Hera then watched the Rosetta, I will watcher Pickering Triangle for later.
I will be attending Kielder starcamp in October 2024 and weather permitting will be capturing lots of data.
Although I am predominantly a Planetary imager I also dabble in DSO imaging.
Is there a Beta version of Hera for users to try out?
Keith Johnson.
Hi Keith, Sorry for the slow reply. I get a lot of spam to filter and I missed this message initially!
I’m still writing the manual and example walk-throughs to go with the software, so haven’t released it yet. (It’s essentially a personal side project in my evenings!) The software is quite technical in its approach – I have added tooltip help in the software, but I think more detailed explanations and examples in a manual would be helpful too.
If you want to try it anyway, I have sent a download link to your email. Hopefully it’s not too off-putting without all manual / supporting examples / etc. My YouTube channel may help. Please don’t share the software itself, but everything else is OK.
I haven’t packaged it up nicely with an installer yet. Just copy the exe and dlls into the same directory, and run Hera.exe. It’s currently 64-bit windows only. (Maybe Linux and Mac OS X version in future.)
If you run into any issues, please let me know! You are my first beta tester.